"It Goes Without Saying" by Patrick Barb
This short story will be published in Nightscript 8.
Visit him at patrickbarb.com to learn what he’s working on now.
Congratulations, Patrick!

Pre-Approved for Haunting (Turner Publishing) by Patrick Barb
Patrick Barb's debut dark fiction collection Pre-Approved for Haunting is coming from Keylight Books/Turner Publishing on October 31, 2023. The collection features 18 stories (15 reprints and 3 originals) and a foreword by Richard Thomas.

Gargantuana's Ghost (Grey Matter Press) by Patrick Barb
Patrick Barb's dark urban fantasy novella Gargantuana's Ghost is coming from Grey Matter Press's new Emergent Expressions line in Fall 2022. The novella blends giant monsters and paranormal activity in a tale about New York City's not-so-hidden magic and the found families forged in the shadow of the Big Apple.

"Burning Bright" by Carina Bissett
This flash fiction was written in Richard’s Keep it Brief flash fiction workshop and published in Gorgon: Stories of Emergence. It was also named an Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow’s Best Horror of the Year, Vol. 12.
Congratulations, Carina!
You can purchase this anthology at your favorite bookstore, or at Amazon.
Visit Carina’s site at carinabisset.com to find out what she’s up to now.

"Cracked" by Carina Bissett
This piece of flash fiction was written in Richard’s Keep it Brief workshop and published in Stonecoast Review, Issue #9.
Visit Carina’s site at carinabissett.com to find out what she’s up to now.

"Rotten" by Carina Bissett
This short story was written in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published in Arterial Bloom, published by Crystal Lake Publishing.
The anthology was a finalist for Superior Achievement in an Anthology at the Bram Stoker Awards.
You can purchase Arterial Bloom at your favorite bookstore, or at Amazon.
To find out what Carina is up to now, visit her site at carinabissett.com.

HWA Silver Hammer Award - Carina Bissett
Storyville would like to congratulate Carina Bissett on her win of The Horror Writers of America Silver Hammer Award! The award is given in recognition of those who work behind the scenes to keep the association up and running.
Congratulations, Carina, and thank you for all the hard work you do!

"Why I'm Angry" by Brooke Brannon
Brooke first wrote “Why I’m Angry” in Richard Thomas’s Short Story Mechanics class. It was published by The Disappointed Housewife and was subsequently nominated for The Pushcart Prize. Congratulations, Brooke!
You can read Brooke’s story here.
To find out what Brooke is up to now, visit her website at www.brookebrannon.com

Greylock by Paula Cappa
Greylock was edited by Richard Thomas and published by Crispin Books. It is a Chanticleer Book Award Winner.
Congratulations, Paula!
Greylock can be purchased at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.
To find out what Paula is up to now, visit her at paulacappa.wordpress.com/author/.

"Knit One Purl Two" by Carolyn Charron
This short story was workshopped in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published in Nothing Without Us by Renaissance Press.
You can purchase the anthology at Amazon.

"Prey" by S.L. Coney
This short story was written in Richard’s Short Story Mechanics class and published in Gamut Magazine.
To see what they’re up to now, visit Coney at slconey.com.

Wild Spaces
Wild Spaces was workshopped in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published by Tordotcom Publishing.

"Indiscretions" by Hillary Dodge
This short story was written in Richard’s Short Story Mechanics Class and was published at Pseudopod.
You can read “Indiscretions” here.
To find out what Hillary is up to now, visit her at hillarydodge.com.

"The Pigeon Lied" by J.W. Donley
This short story was written in Richard’s Short Story Mechanics class and will be published in Howls from Hell.
You can purchase the anthology at Amazon.
Visit Donley at jwdonley.com to find out what he’s up to now.

"One Hundred Days" by Andrea Eberly
This short story was published in The Missouri Review.
To see what Andrea is up to now, you can visit her website at https://andrea-eberly.com/
Congratulations, Andrea!

"It Probably Started with a Cigarette" by Andrea Eberly
This short story was published in Witness Magazine.
To see what Andrea is up to now, you can visit her website at https://andrea-eberly.com/
Congratulations, Andrea!

"The Colour of Pain" by Melissa Elborn
Melissa’s short story was written in Storyville’s Short Story Mechanics (At Your Own Pace) and published in New Gothic Review Volume 3.

"Rabbit in the Hole" by S.M. Fedor
This short story was written in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction class and published in Punk Noir Magazine.
You can read “Rabbit in the Hole” here.
Visit Fedor at smfedor.com and follow him on Twitter at @s_m_fedor to learn what he’s up to now.

"Dance of the Forever Wolf" by S.M. Fedor
This short story was written in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction class and published in Burning Love and Bleeding Hearts.
You can purchase the anthology at Amazon.
Visit Fedor at smfedor.com and follow him on Twitter at @s_m_fedor learn what he’s up to now.

"Rules for Mistakes" by S.M. Fedor
This short story was written in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction Class and published in Mickey Finn Vol. 2: 21st Century Noir from Down & Out Books.
You can purchase a copy of the anthology here.
Visit Scott at smfedor.com and follow him on Twitter at @s_m_fedor to learn what he’s up to now.
Congratulations, Scott!

"In the Night Forest" by Tori Fredrick
This short story was written in Richard’s Short Story Mechanics class. You can read the story at Underland Arcana.
This is Tori’s first published piece.
Congratulations, Tori!

"Playing Possum" by Ian Gillespie
Ian wrote this story in Richard’s Short Story Mechanics: At Your Own Pace Class.
It was was recently selected as a runner-up for the Austin Clarke Prize in Literary Excellence and published in The Puritan Literary Magazine.
You can read the story here.
To find out more about Ian, you can follow him on LinkedIn.
Congratulations, Ian!

Entomophobia by Sarah Hans
Sarah’s new novel, Entomophobia will be published later this month by Omnium Gatherum.
You can order your copy here.
Congratulations, Sarah!

"Evolution" by Alicia Hilton
This short story began in one of Richard’s classes and was published in Annihilation Radiation by Storgy Books.
You can purchase the anthology at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.
You can find out what Alicia is up to by visiting her at aliciahilton.com

Federales by Christopher Irvin
Federales was edited by Richard Thomas and published by Shotgun Honey.
It can be purchased at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.

Until Death by Kari Kilgore
Until Death was edited by Richard Thomas and published by Spiral Publishing.
You can pick up a copy of Until Death at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.
To see what Kari is up to now, visit her at www.karikilgore.com

"Limber Lost" by K. Wallace King
This short story was written and workshopped in our Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and will be published in Nightscript 8.
Congratulations, Wallace!

"Stolen Property" by Sarah Lamparelli
This short story was written in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published in Black Static.
Congratulations, Sarah!

"Retention" by Sara Lamparelli
Sarah’s story was written in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop. Congratulations Sarah!

"Stolen Property" by Sarah Lamparelli
Sarah’s story was worked on in the Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and will be included in Best Horror of the Year. Congratulations, Sarah!

"10 Steps to a Whole New You" by Tonya Liburd
This short story was written in Richard’s Short Story Mechanics class and published in Fantasy Magazine Issue 63.
You can read Tonya’s story here.
If you’d like to see what Tonya is up to now, visit her website at www.Tonya.ca or follow her on Twitter @somesillywowzer.
Look for Tonya’s “The Drunken Tree” in Chiral Mad 5.
Congratulations, Tonya!

"The Drunken Tree" by Tonya Liburd
This short story will be published in Chiral Mad 5.
If you’d like to see what Tonya is up to now, visit her website at www.Tonya.ca or follow her on Twitter @somesillywowzer.
Congratulations, Tonya!

"Acquisition" by Jake Marley
“Acquisition” was published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 33 and subsequently won the Gold Pen Award.
Congratulations, Jake!
You can pick up a copy at Amazon and visit Jake at jakemarley.wordpress.com to learn more about his work.

"Customer Copy" by Casey McCarty
This story was written in Richard’s Keep it Brief class at LitReactor and was published in Riddled with Arrows issue 4.1.
This was Casey’s first published story. Congratulations, Casey!
You can read it here.

"End of the Milky Way" by Kris Peterson
This story was written in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and will be published in Vastarien.
Congratulations, Kris!

"3 AM Challenge" by David Powell
This short story was written in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction class and published in Fall Into Fantasy: 2020 Edition .
It can be purchased at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.
Visit David at davidlpowell.net to see what he’s up to now.

"And Dark Confound Us Here" by David Powell
This short story was published in Georgia Gothic. It can be purchased here.
Visit David at davidlpowell.net to see what he’s up to now.

"Watching Til She Wake" by David Powell
David wrote this story in Storyville’s Day of Reckoning while working with Carina Bissett and Eden Royce. It will be published in the anthology Into the Glen.
Visit David at davidlpowell.net to see what he’s up to now.

"Those Forgotten Places" by Mary Rajotte
This story was written in Richard's Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and appears in Autumn Noir: An Unsettling Reads Anthology.
Find the anthology here: https://www.amazon.com/Autumn-Noir-Unsettling-Suspense-Anthology-ebook/dp/B09HZDNY26
And be sure to visit Mary at maryrajotte.com to learn what she’s working on now.

"Neath the Old Tree" by Mary Rajotte
This story was written in Richard’s Keep it Brief class at LitReactor and published in Women of the Woods.
The anthology can be purchased at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.
Visit Mary at maryrajotte.com to learn what she’s working on now.

The Bone Weaver's Orchard by Sarah Read
Congratulations, Sarah!
You can find her novel at Amazon, or through your local bookseller. Visit Sarah at inkwellmonster.wordpress.com to keep up with what Sarah’s working on. Edited by Richard Thomas.

"Nightmares Come From Stolen Dreams" by Taemumu Richardson
Founded in 1949, F&SF is one of the top speculative markets out there, with an acceptance rate of about 1.5%. Congratulations, Tae!

"Move Along, You" by Snigdha Roy
This short story was published in The Masters Review. You can read it here.
Congratulations, Snigdha!

"The Heaviness of All Things" by Joseph Sale
This short story was written in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published at Idle Ink.
You can read it here.
Visit themindflayer.com to find out what Joseph is up to now.

"When the Tide Comes In" by Joseph Sale
This short story was written in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published in Exit Earth by Storgy Books.
You can purchase a copy of the anthology here.
Visit themindflayer.com to find out what Joseph is up to now.

"Waiting for Liz's Honda" by Natasha Kerry Smith
Natasha wrote this short story in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction class and it was published in the Manchester Review.
You can read the story here.
Visit Natasha at tashakerrysmith.wordpress.com to learn what she’s up to now.

"Confessions of an Aphrodite Bug" by Joshua Siegal
This short story was published in Michigan Quarterly Review, Fall 2017.
You can learn more about Joshua and what he’s up to by visiting him at joshuasiegal.org .

"That Kid Who Saved The World One Time." by Joshua Siegal
Joshua consulted with Storyville’s Richard Thomas on "That Kid Who Saved the World One Time." It was published in Shift Issue 3.
You can learn more about Joshua and what he’s up to by visiting him at joshuasiegal.org.

"Rocks and Snow" by Joshua Siegal
Joshua wrote this story in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction and was published in Lamplit Underground. It was also nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Congratulations, Joshua!
You can learn more about Joshua and what he’s up to by visiting him at joshuasiegal.org .

"Treats" by Robert Stahl
This short story was written in Storyville’s Contemporary Dark Fiction Class at the University of Iowa, and published in Rigor Morbid: Lest Ye Become.
You can purchase the collection at Amazon.
Visit Robert at robertstahl.com to see what he’s up to now.

“Evil, Inc. (Or How I Learned to Succeed in Business without Really Dying)” by Robert E. Stahl
This story was published in The Dead Inside.
You can purchase this anthology at Amazon.
Congratulations, Robert!

"The Ground Shook" by Roni Stinger
Roni workshopped this short story in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop, and it will be published May 1st, 2022 by Dark Matter Magazine.
To stay up to date with what Roni is doing now, visit their website at www.ronistinger.com
Congratulations, Roni!

"Worm Bagging" by Roni Stinger
This short story was workshopped in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and Day of Reckoning.
Congratulations, Roni!

Whitesands by Johann Thorsson
Richard edited Whitesands.
Congratulations, Johann! This looks amazing.

"Some Habits Are Hard to Break" by Brenda Clark Thomas
This short story was written in Richard’s classes and was a runner up for the 2020 Poets & Writers Maureen Egen Writers Exchange Award.
Congratulations, Brenda!
You can read about the award here.
To learn more about Brenda and what she’s up to now, visit her at brendaclarkthomas.com.

"The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Reporter" by Daniela Tomova
Daniela workshopped this novelette with Richard Thomas. It will be out March 16th, 2022 with Tor.

"This Will Be the Most Vulnerable Post I've Ever Made" by Marissa van Uden
This short story was published in Dark Matter Magazine.
Congratulations, Marissa!

Beneath Ash and Bone by D. Alexander Ward
Beneath Ash & Bone was edited by Richard Thomas and published by Necro Publications.
It can be purchased at your favorite bookstore or at Amazon.
To find out what he’s up to now, visit Ward at dalexward.com

"Wax Agatha" by KT Wagner
This short story was workshopped in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and published in Starward Shadows Quarterly and can be read here.
To find out what KT is up to now visit her at www.northernlightsgothic.com

"Memories of Clover" by KT Wagner
This short story was published in Alchemy Press's Book of Horror 3: A Miscellany of Monsters. You can purchase the book at bookshop.org or your favorite bookstore.
For more checkout the author’s webpage at https://northernlightsgothic.com/https://northernlightsgothic.com/

"Observer Dependent Universe" by Christa Wojciechowski
This short story was workshopped in Storyville’s Advanced Creative Writing Workshop and will be included in Chiral Mad 5.
To find out what Christa is up to now, visit her at christawojo.com.